Sunday, June 28, 2009

Great Summer

We just got back last week from a trip to Laughlin, NV. We had a great time. We even came home from gambling with more than we left with. That doesn't happen very often. I got really lucky betting on a NASCAR race. I don't even know very many of the drivers but remember my grandson, Declan, saying- Kasey Khane, Kasey Khane, so I bet on him. Well, he won!!!! What are the chances of that. I guess it was 18 to 1. I cashed in a $10 ticket for $180. Thanks Declan! Jim also came out ahead.
Our friends from Parker, AZ came over on Monday before we left and had lunch with us. Terry and Jim went to High School together.
Then an unfortunate thing happened at the airport. We were one of the last ones off the bus. Decided to let the older people off first. We weren't in a hurry. When we got into the terminal they were doing CPR on one of the people on our tour. They said he was dead before he ever hit the ground. I had never seen CPR done on a person before. I am trained on CPR but never had to use it. They were also using a defibrillator. Never seen that either. It was really sad for everyone standing there watching. It was great though, the casino put the wife up for the night, made all of the arrangements to get the body back , and got the wife back to OK all at their expense. I don't think many casinos would do that. Enough about that.
We have been painting our cabinets in the kitchen. What a job!!!! Almost finished. Just touching up left to do.
We went to dinner tonight with Jim's ex-father-in -law, his wife, his nephew( I am not sure if he is considered former or not) and his girlfriend. Go figure that one out. We had a great visit.
Back to a hot week in OK

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Week

We just returned from Texoma Lake. We took Brad and John (my nephews) with us. We had a wonderful time striper fishing. Was sorta slow most days but one evening made up for all of the slow days. We caught close to 40 fish. We had so many big fish we kept having to throw them back. We thought the limit was one fish over 20 inches per person but it was really 2 big fish per person. The biggest one was about 29 inches and weighed about 8 1/2 pounds we think. Fun!
The boys left on Sunday. Our friends from Texas came to visit on Sunday. That was a really good time.
We came home today because a good friend of Jim's (and former family) had a son that died in a motorcycle accident. Bill Call was some relative to Pat's family. His son was only 28 and had a month and a half old baby. Really tragic!
Then on our way home we had a blow out on our camper. Got that changed and got home.
It is always good to be home.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tired of Rain

I am sooooooo tired of the rain. Can't do anything productive outside. Our tomato and squash plants are going to drown.
I guess it is good that it has been raining. Jim has wanted to paint the kitchen cabinets and this has given us the chance to do that. If it had been nice and sunny golf would have taken the paintings place. We have a couple more days of painting left. Luckily ( I guess) it is suppose to rain at least 3 more days before we get a break.
The lake is up 16 feet now. Even if it does get sunny we won't be able to go boating. We have delayed our trip to Texoma because of the high water. We will leave on May 31st for a couple of weeks. After that we don't know what we are doing for the summer. We usually have it planned out by now but we can't seem to decide this year.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, Rain Go Away. It has rained every day for the last 8 or 9 days. I could never live in Seattle. I would go CRAZY!! It is really hard to get motivated to do anything when it is raining. Is that just the opposite of everyone else? I just want to set around and read or go play the slots.
Last week there was not much going on. Tuesday was nice enough to go get 18 holes of golf in before it started raining again. My new driver was awesome. We played in Jenks at a really nice course. Jim and John B. had played it before but it was new to Nel and me. I am just waiting for it to quit raining so we can go play again. The rain is suppose to let up on Thursday. Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, April 27, 2009

What a Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was wonderful. The weather was nice although we waited all day for a big rain and severe weather storm that never happened.
Friday we had friends over to eat wild turkey and paddlefish with cavier. The guys ate all of that and the girls ate chicken.
Saturday I got my new golf driver in so we went and hit golf balls. I think I can outdrive Jim now (don't tell him).
Yesterday we went to church then we went to our local nursery to buy plants. They were really busy. Everyone was hoping to plant before the rain this week. We did the same. We planted plants the rest of the afternoon. We are looking good!
The weather is going to suck this week. Rain and possibly severe storms all week. I will be stir crazy by Wednesday.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wow! Where Did This Week Go!!!!!

I can't believe this is already Friday. We have been so busy this week for being retired. We played golf on Wednesday. I played my best ever on the front 9 holes. I have knocked off almost 10 strokes since last summer. I ordered a new driver yesterday. Not the one I was looking for but I think it will be fine.
We are having friends over for dinner tonight. Of course Jim will be serving wild turkey and paddlefish with cavier.
Yesterday we worked in the yard. It is looking good. Flowers are in bloom. I love the Spring in Oklahoma.
The weather has been unusually hot. It was in the 90's two days in a row. Of course those of you who know me well know I love the warm weather.

Monday, April 20, 2009


The weather is beautiful today. I worked in the yard. I am just waiting for that first flower to open.
Jim went fishing today. He got a 35 pound paddlefish. We are going to try to make cavier out of the roe tonight. I figure after we go to all the trouble he won't even like it but we will try.
I don't really have a very exciting life to write about so I don't know why I have a blog.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Home Alone

I am still home alone. I just heard Jim is coming home tonight. The two hunter are so slow that it will probably be midnight by the time they get here.
I think I am getting the hang of Facebook. It is kind of fun. It could take up alot of time to keep up with everyone.
Will talk later.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My First Blog (of my own)

This is my first blog of my own. I was ghost writing Jim's blog for a while. Finally gave that up.
After a very busy but fun weekend Jim left for turkey hunting. That means my friend Nel and I hit the casinos. We had a good time. Yesterday we did manage to get a round of golf in also. It has been really nice weather this week.
I also got on Facebook today. I am not sure what to do on it but I will keep checking it out.